Varsity Wrestling
Team News.
1 month ago @ 11:38AM
- Tournament has been moved to Saturday only, it will be a round robin- bracketed tournament. Each wrestler will get close to 5 macthes. Weight alloence is +4
- Bus leaves at 8am fpor weigh-ins at 9am Wrestling to start at 10am
Practice today normal time
3 months ago @ 12:40PM
In an attempt to keep better communication and organize our files wiht in the team I am asking all wrestlers to join canvas. Please follow the following link.
3 months ago @ 2:12PM
Hello Parents,
We do not have tryouts or cuts. Our season starts November 6th, 2017 at 3:30pm and will go until 5:30pm. Our practices Mon-Fri will always be 3:30pm-5:30pm we recommend parents pick students up closer to 6:00pm to allow time for clean up and changing. We also practice on Saturdays 9am-11am. Shortly after season starts we will post a calender with our entire practice and competition schedule.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me.