Thursday - Pasta Dinner (1/5)
Posted on: Wednesday, January 04, 2017
THURSDAY - PASTA DINNERDinner this week will again be at the Mowery’s house.
The address is in this week's email.
Here is the link to sign up for something to bring this week. As a reminder, don’t forget to bring your own drink or something to share.
Friday - Meet vs. Hayfield HOME (1/6)
Posted on: Wednesday, January 04, 2017
FRIDAY – MEET vs. Hayfield at WLSwimmers, please be at the pool by 6pm.Divers, talk to Coach Kristen about your plans.PARENT VOLUNTEERS – Parents, if you are officiating/scoring the dive meet OR the swim meet please plan to arrive by 7pm or so. Mr. Holt put together a sign up genius for timers – please fill this out if you are able to help. As always, we can’t get the meet started without enough timers on deck!
Senior Night
Posted on: Wednesday, January 04, 2017
SENIOR NIGHTJust a quick heads up about senior night. We will hold our annual senior night activities on January 18th – our last home meet (vs South Lakes). Following the conclusion of the meet, we ask the team to stay at the pool for our formal presentation of gifts to our seniors. This year, this meet is on a Wednesday. We are working with the other team to see if they are able to arrive early so we can get things underway since we realize this is a school night. That said, the kids don’t have school Friday because of the inauguration (and also why we don’t have a meet Friday). We will do what we can to keep things moving, but still ask that everyone stay for the duration of the meet and senior night activities. More info to follow. Parents are welcome also for senior sendoff, despite what your kids may tell you!Typically the Junior class leads the efforts to plan for senior night – on that front, Kerry Meade and Sarah Conley are collecting funds to help with the costs of decorations and whatnot ($5). Please also touch base with them to see how else you can help out on the day of – we expect it to be a team affair and you’ll want the same effort made for you when you’re a senior!
Posted on: Monday, December 12, 2016
Our team picture is scheduled for Tuesday, next week. Just an early heads up so you can plan accordingly.We will get this done right at the start of practice, before we get in and usually finish up by 330pm or so. Please plan to be there and be IN your team suit (you can wear it for practice too).
Friday - Meet vs. McLean 12/9 AWAY
Posted on: Monday, December 12, 2016
FRIDAY – MEET vs. McLean @ Spring Hill Rec CenterThis is our only out-of-Arlington away meet this season. AT WL POOL AT 515pm. We will leave by 530pm. EVERYONE must take the bus to the meet.You are allowed to leave the meet, when it concludes, with your parents.The pool is about 10 miles/20 minutes away. The location of the pool is: 1239 Spring Hill Rd, McLean, VA 22102
Diving will get underway by 630pm and swimming (hopefully) by 730pm. We will go to Silver Diner following the meet, depending on when we arrive home. If we are late in getting home we will NOT go to dinner.Parents, if you are officiating/scoring the dive meet, please plan to arrive by 6pm or so. If you are officiating/timing for the swim meet, please plan to arrive by 7pm or so. If you have any questions about what you are doing or you are able to volunteer and haven’t already mentioned it – please contact Tom Edwards (officials) or Strat Zervos (timers).We need 12 timers for the meet and we can’t start until we have all volunteer positions filled on deck so PLEASE let us know if you can help out. Thanks in advance!**Club swimmers: Typically if you make finals for one of the invitational meets being held this weekend, we still ask that you attend the WL meet to support your team. However, since our meet is away this weekend we are waiving that requirement. That said, if you DO NOT make finals, we expect you to attend the WL meet. Please stay in touch with me on Friday (by email or text) and keep me posted on your status so we can adjust the lineup as needed.
Thursday Night Pasta Dinner 12/8
Posted on: Monday, December 12, 2016
THURSDAY - PASTA DINNERAs a reminder, pasta dinners are mandatory for team participation. From here on out dinners, won’t run quite as late as last week because we don’t have as much to do, don’t worry! Dinner this week is at Lauren Montgomery’s house. Please check your email for addressPlease sign up here to help with dinner!
Saturday - Meet vs. James Madison at WL Pool
Posted on: Monday, December 05, 2016
SATURDAY – Meet vs. James Madison at WL PoolThis is the only Saturday dual meet we will have during the season. We are asking Divers to be at the pool by 530pm and Swimmers to arrive by 6pm. We are hoping to get things underway a little earlier. Following the meet, the team will do a warm down swim and then head out to dinner at Silver Diner. The dinner is not mandatory, just a lot of fun.*As a reminder, we worked to get our dual-meet weekend changed so as not to impact the major club meets that occur the next weekend. With that in mind, everyone is expected to be in attendance and stay for the duration of the meets this weekend. We will do our best to get them moving and finished at a timely hour.Also, for next week, we are asking all our swimmers – club included – make plans to attend the WL meet on Friday. We will work to ensure we are not adversely impacting your club meet events over the weekend, but since we approach swimming as a TEAM effort, everyone is needed to be successful even if it’s just for a relay (a true team-focused event) or to even just to cheer your teammates on for a bit. If you qualify for finals, please let us know as soon as you know (during the day) so we can plan accordingly. Also, since some of you might be rested for the meet, you could also consider it a great time to break some records or get Regionals/State time cuts. :)
Posted on: Monday, December 05, 2016
SATURDAY – BAZAAR/FUNDRAISERFirst up, a HUGE thank you to those of you who put together our cookie jars this year (and thanks to the Edward’s parents for housing the jars/hosting the put-together as usual!). :)Everyone who is able should plan to be at the Holiday Bazaar at some point on Saturday, even for an hour or two. Those who can work the morning shift, please arrive at 930am. If you are working another table during the Bazaar, try to stop by – even if for 30 min – to work with us as we sell our cookie jars. When the last jar is sold, we can leave. So if you are planning to arrive later in the afternoon, please check in with someone to see if we are still there. The Bazaar runs from 10-4pm, but we usually finish up by 1pm or so.Parents, please stop by and support WL and the swim team. Our jars make great gifts for neighbors, teachers, and coworkers! Also, there were a lot of great vendors last year and you can find some cute holiday gifts for friends and family.
Friday - Meet vs. Langley at WL Pool 12/2
Posted on: Monday, December 05, 2016
FRIDAY – SCHOOLEveryone is required to dress up for school on meet days. Please pick out your outfit and look adorable in items other than your usual gear (no sweatpants, sneakers, uggs, etc).FRIDAY – MEET vs. Langley at WL PoolDIVERS – please coordinate with Kristen on your plans for after school.
SWIMMERS – please be at the pool no later than 615pm, in your team tshirt.
Diving will get underway by 630pm and swimming (hopefully) by 730pm. Swimmers will begin warmup during the last few rounds of diving to get things moving.Don’t forget something for your secret swimmer and be ready to cheeeeeeeeer for your teammates! We will NOT be going to dinner after the meet because we have a big Saturday ahead. Go home and get some rest! :)PARENT VOLUNTEERS – Parents, if you are officiating/scoring the dive meet, please plan to arrive by 6pm or so. If you are officiating/timing for the swim meet, please plan to arrive by 7pm or so. If you have any questions about what you are doing or you are able to volunteer and haven’t already mentioned it – please contact Tom Edwards (officials) or Strat Zervos (timers). They are CC’d on this email.We are also in need of diving table workers, judges, and officials. Chat with Coach Kristen if you’re available to help.
Thursday Night Pasta Dinner 12/1
Posted on: Monday, December 05, 2016
THURSDAY - PASTA DINNERAs a reminder, pasta dinners are expected for team participation. We will use this time to go over the lineup each week and spend some time together as a team. Similar to last year, we will be using the Signup Genius so that our dinners are more potluck style. However, every swimmer will always be responsible for bringing their own drink (2 liters also welcome for sharing) to each dinner.Here is the signup genius, however, so you can see what’s what from week to week. You can sign up now for future dinners if you know you are able to help.
Dinner this week begins at 630pm at the Conley’s House, check your email for address.This dinner may be a bit longer than usual as we will be handing out gear (suits, tshirts, and caps) and also giving you your secret swimmer assignment.SECRET SWIMMERThe WL Secret Swimmer program is a fun way to support your teammates. You will be assigned (at random) someone on the team who will be your ‘secret swimmer’ for the season. Boys will be assigned boys and girls will be assigned girls. For each meet, please bring something for your secret swimmer – we are not looking for major money to be spent, in fact we suggest posters, a note of encouragement, and perhaps a small snack. EVERYONE is required to participate – if you’re going to miss a meet, leave a note for your person with a friend to bring. If you don’t receive something, let Coach Dani know – this will likely also be tied to Varsity Letter requirements, so please ensure you are an active participant!
Swim and Dive 2016-2017 Regular Season Information
Posted on: Tuesday, October 08, 2013
The winter sports season will officially begin on November 9th. You MUST have turned in your physical to participate, please complete your physicals as soon as possible and turn them into the athletic trainer.
Practices are held at W-L pool, Monday through Friday from 315pm - 430pm.
You are expected to attend at least FOUR practices a week before swim meets begin and THREE as week when we have swim meets scheduled.
Swim Meets are Friday nights (starting after Thanksgiving). Typically they run from about 5pm-10pm. We have an optional team dinner at Silver Diner after meets.
We hold practices over Winter Break for two hours. Everyone who is in town is expected to attend.
Team Information
- We are a ‘cheering team’ – be ready to cheer for and support your teammates!
- We have a ‘secret swimmer’ program that everyone is required to participate in.
- Team dinners are held every Thursday before a swim meet.
- We actively participate in the annual Holiday Bazaar fundraiser.
- All practices, meets, and team events are required.
Other Info:
We have worked hard to build a dedicated and competitive team and expect that all swimmers and divers who choose to join the team are willing to be a full and active team member and give 100%.
We aim to have fun, but also provide a quality training and development program for team members.
Some of our most common feedback is that the swimmers and divers love being members of the team and the parents also feel that their kids have learned valuable lessons and were provided outstanding overall support from our program and coaching staff.
We aren’t able to have a successful season without parent volunteers. Please let us know if you’re able to help out by timing, working the table, hosting a dinner, or officiating.