Boys Ultimate Frisbee
Boys Ultimate Frisbee Fall 2018-2019 Fall'18 Season.
The season start date is officially September 12! All practices will be 3-5pm on Wednesdays and Fridays at Quincy Park. For any freshman interested in playing and wanting to learn more, there will be a table for both teams at the Freshman Activities Fair on Friday August 24 @9:30 am (following Freshman Orientation).
We will have a parent meeting at 7:30pm on September 10th in the Little Theater. This is for all parents of any students interested in playing this Fall. Any student interested in playing may also attend the meeting or may simply show up to our first practice. If any student has a question or a parent cannot attend the meeting, please email Coach Jackson ( to find out important information throughout the season and ask questions that you may have about the season.