CoEd Winter Indoor Track
Team News.
1 year ago @ 5:10PM
Practice is weekdays at 3:30pm. We meet at the W-L track.
Please sign-up (no longer available) for the team prior to attending your first practice and after reading the team rules.
Each athlete must have a current physical (dated 5/1/18 or more recent). The following paperwork must be turned into the activities office before the first day of practice: VHSL Physical and APS participation agreement. Students cannot participate in practice without a physical.
Athletes of all abilities are welcome, and there are no try-outs. Significant commitment is required from all as we do follow a rigorous training schedule that our athletes find both challenging and rewarding. We meet every weekday, Monday-Friday, until the end of the season, and every athlete will have the opportunity to compete in at least five meets. Athletes who meet certain qualifications will have the opportunity to compete in large invitationals on the weekends and post season championship meets. Contact Coach Drake (
8 months ago @ 11:13AM
Please join us at Five Guys (2300 Washington Blvd.) on November 15th for a fundraiser benifiting the team. Please present this flyer at the register.
Thank you for your support!