Girls Varsity Lacrosse
Team News.
2 years ago @ 7:24PM
GLAX will have Fall and Winter Green Days as well as Conditioning Days.
Before participating in Green Days or Conditioning, each player must:
1) Have a physical on file and be cleared to play. Forms for Physicals and Clearance can be found here:
2) Have googles, a mouthguard, and a stick. Goalies can either purchase equipment or use the WL equipment. There are new regulations for goggles. Approved equipment can be found here: (No DeBeer goggles)
3) Complete an emergency contact form and read/sign the expectations and rules for girls' lax. Please come by Room 3020 to pick up both of these forms.
The calendar for the preseason and season can be found at: Select GLax on the left side to hide the other calendars.
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